My name is Angel. I have lived on the second floor. You may have seen me before and chose to ignore. This is a timeline of me. Perhaps this will give you no hint of where we are going. I like to think i have an idea but with few absolutes in my life I tend to stay off topic.
March 71- My parents met
May 71- My mom discovers she got knocked up and parents rush to get married
Dec. 71- I appeared out of no where
Sept. 73- My sister is born
June 75- My brother is born
1975 or 1976- I was molested
1990- Graduated High School
Brother hit by car on the way home from school and killed
1991- Lost virginity
Dad had open heart surgery
1992- Move to Seattle
Mom got sick with 'mystery' illness
1993- Get knocked up by a heroine addict
Our son is born
1994- Split with jerk and become a single mom
Move home
1995- Said jerk knocks up someone else
Baby is born
Met future husband
1997- Start college
1998- Out of control personal life
Became best friends with my sons brothers mother
2001- Quit my job to finish college
2002- Graduated
2005- Reacquainted with my future husband
2006- Got pregnant and had my second son
My mother died
2007- Lost our son and our minds
Started new profession
2008- Blood clots in lungs
2012- My sister died
My son graduated from high school
My son joined the Marines
Found various family members I haven't talked to in 25-30 yrs through Facebook
2014- I married my friend of almost 20 years
I have been writing in different forms since I was a little girl. I will discuss many of the topics in my lifeline plus so much more. I will also share poetry, how to live fabulous on nothing, guest writers, and so much more. Anything there you would like me to discuss sooner than later? Stay tuned.
Looking forward to endless hours of enlightenment and entertainment :) (jenn)